RECONMATIC Open Day in Manchester, UK
The RECONMATIC partners have proudly organised a hybrid Open Day event about automated solutions for sustainable and circular construction and demolition waste management, which took place on May 7th, 2024, at the MediaCity campus, at the University of Salford.
CIRIA and Zero Waste Scotland adhered and supported the event.
The Open Day has developed different presentations and workshops for discussion about digital solutions for construction and demolition waste management, from digital twins to waste data management solutions, creating innovative and integrated systems for different digital technologies, such as IoT, blockchain or machine learning to support stakeholder collaboration, traceability and decision-making processes about waste and circularity during the whole life cycle of the built asset. RECONMATIC partners presented their developing solutions, and further solutions were discussed by guest speakers, showing a range of digital tools in the market (or ready for the market) to support circularity in construction.
Draft Agenda
09.00 - 10.00 Registration
10.00 - 10.30 Introduction (DMPL)
10.30 - 12.00 RECONMATIC Presentation (DMPL)
Waste Predictor and Attributes Table (Louise Sturman, Morgan Sindall)
Digital Information Management System for Facilitating Construction and Demolition Waste Management (Jason Underwood, University of Salford) | PDF
Digital technologies and AI for CDW reduction and processing (Václav Nežerka, Czech Technical University in Prague) | PDF
Predemolition Audits & Waste Classification and Sorting Robotic Arm (Inés Díez Ortiz, Tecnalia) | PDF
12.00 - 13.00 Lunch Break
13.00 - 14.30 Parallel workshops with stakeholders & a student workshop
01. Digital twins (Room 3.07)
02. Digital Information Management System (Room 3.08)
03. Waste datasets (Room 3.10)
04. Waste predictor (Room 3.11)
14.30 - 16.00 Collaborations / Case studies (Guest speakers) (DMPL)
Accelerate Material Reuse in Construction (Dr Ana Rute Costa, Lancaster University) | PDF
Site Waste Reduction Protocol (Stephen Boyle, Zero Waste Scotland) | PDF
SmartWaste (Dean Sherwood, BRE) | PDF
16.00 - 16.30 Conclusions (DMPL)
16.30 - 17.00 Networking

Read about the event takeaways in this article by Juan Ferriz-Papi
Parallel Stakeholders' Workshops
There are four parallel workshops and you are free to join the one of your choice!
During registration you will be able to indicate the workshop you would like to join.
RECONMATIC Horizon Europe Project is working on automated solutions for sustainable and circular solutions for construction and demolition waste management. This Open Day intends to present some of the digital solutions proposed and discuss with industry stakeholders about their usability and implementation. The main purposes of the event are as follows:
Capture best practices from industry on waste management
Engage on circular economy in construction with different groups: industry, researchers and students, and create networking opportunities
Make awareness of RECONMATIC work and solutions proposed, and obtain feedback about their usability
This event is designed for professionals in the construction industry, aiming all stakeholders linked to the life cycle of a construction asset, building or infrastructure and involved in construction and demolition waste management and circular economy at any point, such as manufacturers, developers, designers, contractors, consultants, waste managers, policy makers, public administration, etc. as well as researchers in the field of circular economy and construction.
To attend the event registration is required. Please note that there is limited capacity for physical attendance.