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Stimulate demand for sustainable energy skills with circularity as a driver & multifunctional green use of roofs, façades & interior elements as focus

One of the EU’s goals is to stimulate demand for sustainable energy skills in the building sector, and increase the number of skilled building professionals across the building design, operation and maintenance value chain. The EU-funded BUS-GoCircular project will develop and implement a circular construction skills qualification framework specifically focusing on multifunctional green roofs, facades and interior elements and will provide input towards legislative changes through circular green procurement and recognition of skills. The aim is to compliment and build up on the knowledge and results of BusGoCircular for respective tasks in RECONMATIC, focusing on Construction and Demolition Waste management.

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RECONMATIC 项目由欧盟资助,资助协议编号为 101058580,并由英国研究与创新署资助,是英国参与 “欧洲地平线 ”项目的英国担保计划的一部分。  


然而,所表达的观点和意见仅代表作者本人,并不一定反映 HORIZON-RIA 的观点和意见。欧盟和拨款机构均不对此负责。 

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