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RECONMATIC’s AUTH team in CircularB’s 1st Training School and CESARE’24 Conference

Last week was very productive for the Circular Construction Cluster. Two members of RECONMATIC’s AUTH team participated in the first training school organised by the CircularB COST Action. Titled “Implementation of Circular Economy in the Built Environment”, and held from May 26 to May 31 in the Central Library of the Politehnica University Timișoara, in Timisoara, Romania, the training school focused on “Circularity strategies and best practices for new and existing buildings”.

During the first two days, the trainees attended inspiring lectures from distinguished trainers about circularity practices application in the built environment, while the rest of the training school was dedicated to project development. The trainees were asked to work in groups of 4 on a case study project of an old building stock, identifying the problems and proposing interventions to improve its energy efficiency, taking into account circular economy practices. 

Professor Katerina Tsikaloudaki presenting

On behalf of the Laboratory of Building Construction and Building Physics of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Katerina Tsikaloudaki, co-leader of CircularB WG1 and member of RECONMATIC, participated as a trainer, giving her presentation "From Prefabrication to Transormability", while Aikaterina Karanafti participated as a trainee, enriching her knowledge on circular economy.

The last three days of the training school coincided with "CESARE'24: 4rth International Conference on the Coordinating Engineering for Sustainability and Resilience & Midterm Conference of CircularB Implementation of Circular Economy on the Built Environment". The AUTH team actively participated in this event and presented two papers, one by Aikaterina Karanafti entitled "Integrating BIMs in Construction and Demolition Waste Management for Circularity Enhancement - A Review", written in collaboration with our project coordinator, CTU of Prague, and one by Christina Giarma entitled "Water Efficiency, Consumption and Management in Environmental Performance Assessment Methods for Existing Buildings In-Use".

Aikaterina Karanafti also had the opportunity to briefly present the RECONMATIC project and share with the conference participants RECONMATIC's work towards more sustainable and circular practices in construction and demolition waste management.

Presentation of RECONMATIC project in CESARE’24 conference.

Read more about our collaboration with Circular B in the articles below:

This article was written by Aikaterina Karanafti from our partner, AUTH.

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The RECONMATIC project is funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement No. 101058580 and by the UK Research and Innovation as part of the UK Guarantee programme for UK Horizon Europe participation.​


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