The University of Split organized for the 8th consecutive year the “SpliTech 2023: International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies”, addressing sustainable technologies through the perspective of the scientific, professional, and industrial community. The event took place between the 20th and the 23rd of June 2023 in Croatia, in the city of Split and the town of Bol, located on the south side of Brač island.
The first day of the conference took place in Split, dedicated to IoT, consisting of interesting workshops, company lectures and career speed dating events. The events on the following three days took place in Bol and hosted various presentations from participants coming from all continents, special sessions, workshops and symposiums on various fields related to smart and sustainable technologies.

Inspiring keynote speakers presented the most recent technological and scientific trends to the attendees and addressed many sustainability issues. Among them, professor Theodoros Theodosiou from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), gave his invited speech named “Supporting decarbonization in the built environment through effective construction and demolition waste management”. Through his speech, he pointed out the need to decarbonize the built environment to achieve a sustainable future and the importance of the effective CDW management. RECONMATIC’s prominent contribution in this effort was demonstrated as special parts of his speech were dedicated to the project’s scope and outcomes, focusing on how blockchain application can contribute to the reduction of concrete waste during the construction phase.

All the conference participants had also the chance to learn more about RECONMATIC’s scope and actions through the project’s brochures available on the conference’s halls, and personal discussions with the AUTH team members Theodoros Theodosiou and Aikaterina Karanafti.

You can download the brochure and poster in the downloads section of our news webpage.