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RECONMATIC at the Conference on Waste from and for the Construction Industry

Photo credit: České ekologické manažerské centrum, z. s

The RECONMATIC partners Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) and STRABAG proudly represented the project in the very interesting “Conference on Waste from and for the construction Industry” (Konference Odpady ze a pro stavebnictví) that took place in the Czech Republic, on 17-18 October, 2023, and was attended by several important key stakeholders, including representatives of the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Regional Development and the State Institute of Health of the Czech Republic.

This conference was part of the traditional Waste Forum – 17th Czech-Slovak symposium about “Research and innovation results for industrial and municipal ecology”-, which regularly offers various sessions, seminars, and thematic conferences related to many waste and environment protection topics. CTU and other technical universities in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, joined forces and co-organised this event, which this year focused on the crucial and timely topic of waste materials and recycling solutions in the construction sector. The CTU team including, Zdenek Prosek, Pavel Tesarek and Jan Valentin, the RECONMATIC project coordinator, played a key role as members of the organisation committee of this conference, where the RECONMATIC project was actively presented.

Mr. Stanislav Bedřich, Head of the Environmental Technology Group in STRABAG, presented the issues of construction and demolition waste and digitisation about the RECONMATIC project. Stanislav briefly introduced the objectives of the work package he leads in the RECONMATIC project and asked the participants to collaborate on developing suitable tools for, for example, waste prediction, on which Morgan Sindall, another RECONMATIC partner, has been working as well.

Jan Trejbal & Zdenek Prosek presenting

Jan Valentin, Jan Trejbal, and other colleagues from CTU in Prague also presented the results and the focus of activities within the project. Furthermore, Jan Valentin, the project coordinator, gave an introductory speech explaining the importance of discussing more effective construction and demolition waste management including options for reuse and recycling.

Additionally, the activities of RECONMATIC in the field of defining indicators for sustainability and circularity were presented. Jan Trejbal shared the experience and progress RECONMATIC has been making in defining suitable algorithms and machine learning-driven solutions for more effective recognition of various mineral CDW materials. He also presented the progress in developing automatised recycling lines for construction debris.

Last but not least, Zdenek Prosek and Pavel Tesarek presented the research results in the field of plasterboard recycling and gypsum reuse, as well as the possible use of fine-grained recycled concrete (or recycled concrete with bricks) in new composite materials.

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The RECONMATIC project is funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement No. 101058580 and by the UK Research and Innovation as part of the UK Guarantee programme for UK Horizon Europe participation.​


The views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the HORIZON-RIA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.​

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