London’s esteemed Building Centre hosted the “CIRCuIT Networking Event: Data, Digital Infrastructure, and Circular Economy” on 8th June. This pivotal gathering enabled UK partners of the CIRCuIT project to present their noteworthy advancements.
Our partners Juan A Ferriz-Papi of the University of Salford, alongside colleague Jia Li of Lecycl, represented RECONMATIC at the event. Both gained a deeper understanding of the CIRCuIT initiative and began forming valuable alliances with UK counterparts.

Initiated under the Horizon 2020 European funding framework, the CIRCuIT project started in 2019 with an end date in 2023. Bringing together 31 partners from cities including Copenhagen, Hamburg, the Helsinki Region, and Greater London, the project's vision revolves around the creation of regenerative cities. By promoting sustainable and circular construction techniques, it aspires to significantly reduce carbon emissions, diminish the consumption of virgin materials in the sector by 20%, and realise a 15% cost savings.
The event showcased various outputs by the UK partners, which resonate closely with RECONMATIC’s objectives and our vision for the construction industry. Topics covered included some of special interest for RECONMATIC like the innovative utilisation of data, the introduction of material passports, a material reuse portal, and a pioneering approach to construction waste monitoring.
Post-presentation networking allowed for fruitful interactions with esteemed partners, among them Re-London, BRE, UKGBC, and Imperial College London. Tessa Devreese, the UK and ReLondon project manager, expressed interest in a detailed discussion with our RECONMATIC team. This mutual collaboration aims to unearth synergies between the two projects, driving forward our combined mission and fostering links with other European-funded initiatives.

For a comprehensive look at the CIRCuIT project, please visit We also invite you to the CIRCuIT final event in Copenhagen on 25th September. Further event details and registration can be located on Eventbrite.